Sunday, June 29, 2014

Thursday Morning Activity

Our Thursday morning activity has changed from visiting Glen Canyon in the morning, to going golfing at the Lake Powell Golf Course. The general admission price is $52 for 18 holes. They have tee time deals that bring the price down to around $30 a person. We can coordinate times on Wednesday night when everyone is there.

For those who don't want to go golfing, we will have other options available. Some can visit Glen Canyon, some of the women have mentioned getting manicures/pedicures together, or you can do anything else you'd like to do. You are always welcome to go to the lake whenever you'd like, too.

Ashleigh will be contacting everyone via phone to confirm that you are aware of your meal and activity assignments. We are less than a month away, friends!

Monday, June 23, 2014

Meal Chart and Activities

Our reunion is approaching quickly! Here is a chart with the meal and entertainment assignments. 

On Thursday morning we will be visiting Glen Canyon. For more information click hereIf you don't feel like this is something you can do, that's ok! No pressure to join. More information will come on this adventure! 

Friday morning will be our boating activity. We will have skis, a tube, and a wake board. You are welcome to rent anything else you'd like to on your own. We are getting our boat from Water World. Click here for more rental information.

Every family has been assigned a meal to cook. Please plan on feeding 35 people. You will need to provide the paper goods and plasticware. We will have an evening activity each night. We have assigned this as well. 

There are grocery stores in Page and plenty of room in our houses for cooking and eating.

If you have any questions - let us know!

Ashleigh & Michelle

Family Reunion Schedule!





Check-in and get settled!
Elliott Family
Mike Anderson Family
Fennell Group 1*
Glen Canyon
in the AM

Choose your own activity in the afternoon
John Anderson Family
Minute to Win It Games – Ashleigh and Shauna
Mike Anderson Family
Fun on the Lake!
Boating, tubing, skiing
Fennell Group 2**
John Anderson Family
Elliott with Grandpa & Grandma
Pack-up and check out! Safe travels!

Fennell Group 1: Ron, Cheryl, Shauna, Eric, Josh
Fennell Group 2: Aaron, Shereena, Braden, Cecilia, Cameron, Kailie

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Water Activities

We are reserving Friday, July 18th to be our boating day! We are renting a ski boat that seats 8 - 10 people along with a tube, wake board, and adult skis. We are renting from Lake Powell Water World ( They have a lot of other fun things to rent if you are interested!

You can call them or visit their website for more information! (928) 645 - 8845.

Visit this website for more information on other fun activities in Page. We will be posting the family activities soon, but thought you might enjoy exploring what Page has to offer!